Best Marketing Strategy to Convert Prospects into Leads Something just isn’t working. Your prospects, after displaying initial interest, have seemingly fallen off the face of the earth. Phones aren’t ringing, incoming emails cease to exist, and your patience is running on empty. “Is it me?” “Am I going after the wrong people?” “Is my message being misinterpreted?” “Am I coming across as too strong?” Failed attempts at converting prospects into customers … [Read more...]
How To Make Your Inbound Marketing Juicy Creative
Don’t you love it when you get home from a long day’s work, slip off your shoes, flip on the tube, and get an unsolicited phone call from some Joe Shmoe asking you for five minutes of your time? It’s the best, right? – (Cue sarcastic eye roll). Outbound marketing tactics such as this are inherently annoying; so much so that you probably find yourself screaming “Get a real job!!!” to some poor pathetic soul you’ve never even met. It’s no coincidence. Many of … [Read more...]
4 Helpful Ways That Will Make Lead Nurturing More Effective
Your content is intriguing and insightful. Your social media efforts are engaging and open. Your email campaigns are segmented to the precise target demographic, with an enticing and robust call-to-action in place. And yet, however, your prospect-lead-opportunity-conversion rates are dismal—questioning your faith in content marketing, as well as your existence as a human being. Okay, perhaps things haven’t gotten to that point yet; nonetheless, B2B marketing … [Read more...]
The Good, the Bad, and the Measurable
Have you ever done business with a company and wondered how they’re still profitable? Sometimes we come across businesses that put their profits over everything else- including their customers. For example, there have been many reports of how Comcast makes it extremely difficult to reach customer service for questions or even cancelling a plan. While there are some businesses that nickel and dime you to death, there are many other businesses that strive to … [Read more...]
How to Boost your SEO Rankings through Backlinks
The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is changing all the time. Every time Google updates their algorithm, businesses scramble to try to keep up with it. One of the key measures of ranking in Google is your backlinks. Backlinks are links pointing back to your website from another website. Google looks at this as a vote. The more votes you have, the higher your website will rank when someone searches for your topic. This has led many people to try to … [Read more...]