Have you ever done business with a company and wondered how they’re still profitable? Sometimes we come across businesses that put their profits over everything else- including their customers. For example, there have been many reports of how Comcast makes it extremely difficult to reach customer service for questions or even cancelling a plan. While there are some businesses that nickel and dime you to death, there are many other businesses that strive to … [Read more...]
MyReferralIndex Feature Added to MioDatos
San Diego, CA, October 20, 2014 – MioDatos, a marketing automation platform developed by Computer Market Research, has announced the release of a new feature called MyReferralIndex. MyReferralIndex is modeled after the Net Promoter Score, a customer loyalty metric that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others. The Net Promoter Score was introduced by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satimetrix in … [Read more...]