Best Marketing Strategy to Convert Prospects into Leads Something just isn’t working. Your prospects, after displaying initial interest, have seemingly fallen off the face of the earth. Phones aren’t ringing, incoming emails cease to exist, and your patience is running on empty. “Is it me?” “Am I going after the wrong people?” “Is my message being misinterpreted?” “Am I coming across as too strong?” Failed attempts at converting prospects into customers … [Read more...]
4 Marketing Secrets to IT Professional Success
With 2017 right around the corner, the IT marketplace is faced with a plethora of obstacles – and thankfully – a healthy stream of opportunity. Given the hypercompetitive nature of the industry and fragile instability in demand, information technology professionals are no novices when it comes to challenges. But perhaps many of today’s IT roadblocks don’t stem from the need to constantly reinvent innovative solutions to everyday problems—perhaps they stem from … [Read more...]
4 Psychological Marketing Tips That Will Boost Your Success
When you approach your marketing, what things do you consider? Content positioning? Timing? Added incentives after purchase? Limited time offers? First 10 callers free? Long-term warranties? If you’re like most, some tactics worked—most however—bombed. There is nothing to be ashamed in that realization, for marketing is a practice of failure. Take baseball for example: A career 290 batting average is enough to get you into the Hall of Fame; get three hits … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why Your Internet Marketing is Failing
Internet marketing is (how should I put this?) hard. No. That’s too obvious. Internet marketing is complicated? Well, yeah, everyone knows that. Okay, how about Internet marketing is frustrating? I give up. Internet marketing is any adjective you want to call it. It’s tedious and ambiguous, richly rewarding yet brutally honest, painful and blissful, transparent but vague. And as the waves of content continue to overwhelm and saturate the depths of the … [Read more...]
3 Costly Mistakes Marketers Make That Are Easily Avoidable
Marketing is no walk in the park. It’s as unpredictable as an earthquake, and as complex as a Calculus exam—but nonetheless—a strategy no company survives without. Especially when you consider what today’s marketplace presents businesses with: An overloaded saturation of “look at me content” people have become innate to ignore, and willing to dismiss. But even in the most treacherous of times, marketers hold their heads high, throwing anything and everything … [Read more...]
How to Captivate Your Digital Audience
Once your audience members begin to tune out, it can be a down-hill struggle from there on out. Learn how to prevent that from happening to your company by reading below. To get your message across, you absolutely have to hold the attention span of each member in your audience. Just ask any presenter, film maker, professor or journalist, and they’ll tell you the same thing. It can be challenging to captivate your audience, but here are some tips that will help … [Read more...]
4 Easy Steps to Optimize your YouTube Videos
In the world of content creation, video is king. Many people feel more engaged with the company when watching a video than with any other form of media. If you belong to a company who is already creating video content, then you’re ahead of the game. But what good is the video if no one can find it? This is where the world of optimization comes in. By optimizing your videos, people will be able to find, view, and visit your website with ease. Before we get into … [Read more...]
How to Boost your SEO Rankings through Backlinks
The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is changing all the time. Every time Google updates their algorithm, businesses scramble to try to keep up with it. One of the key measures of ranking in Google is your backlinks. Backlinks are links pointing back to your website from another website. Google looks at this as a vote. The more votes you have, the higher your website will rank when someone searches for your topic. This has led many people to try to … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Unleash your Referral Potential
There is a little-known fact out there that could grow your business exponentially, yet many business owners are not taking advantage. This key to success has converted small businesses into industry leaders. You may be wondering, how are these businesses seeing growth year after year? Well, the answer is simple: referrals. Referrals, or word of mouth marketing, is known to be a very powerful tool for generating growth. According to John Jantsch, best-selling … [Read more...]
Rebranding Your Company Without Losing Any Value
In light of our recent rebrand from myReferral Management to MioDatos, our dedicated team has learned a thing or two about successfully rebranding a company. First, you should consider whether a rebranding would be right for your company. In our case, our software had evolved from a simple referral marketing platform into an integrated marketing platform that encompassed email, social media, landing pages, and gamification. A restrictive name like myReferral … [Read more...]