Best Marketing Strategy to Convert Prospects into Leads Something just isn’t working. Your prospects, after displaying initial interest, have seemingly fallen off the face of the earth. Phones aren’t ringing, incoming emails cease to exist, and your patience is running on empty. “Is it me?” “Am I going after the wrong people?” “Is my message being misinterpreted?” “Am I coming across as too strong?” Failed attempts at converting prospects into customers … [Read more...]
How to Shoot yourself in the Foot with Internet Marketing
4 Ways Your Internet Marketing Is Having An Adverse Results You do everything right. From compelling calls to action and an optimized SEO strategy to publishing informative and sending must-open email marketing campaigns — and yet no matter what you do — nothing’s working. Inboxes are empty, phones are dead, web traffic is desolate and leads fall through faster than Usain Bolt running 100 meters. You try to stay positive and optimistic, but not even Buddha … [Read more...]
8 Tips to Grow Your Email List (Infographic)
How to Get More People to Open your Emails Right Now
6 Tips and Trick to Increase Your Emails' Open Rates Ah, the email… it’s a busy professional’s golden ticket to cost-effective marketing. But in a world of bumper-to-bumper traffic, NFL RedZone, Netflix, and Pokémon Go—it’s becoming increasingly difficult for email marketers to compete with today’s constant distractions. Even the juiciest of deals, most fascinating of news, and sincerest of “thanks” is often ignored, leaving a potentially game-changing email … [Read more...]
How to Easily Grow Your Email Contacts in One Day
Your email list is losing value. Between contacts that opt-out of communication, change companies, upgrade to a new address, put you on the no-fly list (spam), or completely fall off the grid and decide to follow Phish for the next 10 months—your email contact’s list is declining in relevancy and opportunity with each passing day. The good news is there is an infinite number of ways you can grow your contact’s list right now, and you don’t have to be a … [Read more...]
The Best Practices of Email Marketing
As you’ve probably heard before, creating an email marketing campaign isn’t as easy as it looks. Not only does your content have to be original and helpful, but you have to get your audience to actually open your emails in the first place. So where should you start? According to, in 2014 the overall industry average open rate was 32.9% and the industry average click-through rate was 4.3%. But keep in mind, these statistics can vary depending on the … [Read more...]
11 Points to Keep in Mind When Writing Your Email Subject Line
Your subject line is the most important factor readers use to determine whether they should read your email. I can't tell you how many times I slaved over my subject line to try to get the maximum ROI. 1. Subjects should be well thought out, clever and interesting. This helps people decide if they should open your email or not. As far as placements (or marketing) are concerned, the subject line can make or break your promotional email. 2. Use the space wisely … [Read more...]
Anatomy of a 10-Star Email
A question I'm sure every marketer is familiar with: How can I make my emails better? What can I do to improve the open, click, and conversion rate of my email campaigns? Worry no more. Here's an easy-to-use guide that I call: An Anatomy of a 10-Star Email. Trusted 'From' Address : If someone opted into your mailing list, make sure the email listed is recognizable. It should communicate who you are as a sender. Most people will not open an email unless … [Read more...]