There is a reason why Terminator remains one of the best sci-fi/action movies of all time. It’s a popcorn spectacular of car chases, explosions, overly dramatic music, one-liners, evil robots—and of course—Arnold.
How could you not love it?
But when you look past its “Hasta la vista, baby” undertone and so-cheesy-it’s-good special effects, there is an eerily disturbing component to the film’s focus: Could this really happen?
Now, logically speaking, no, it’s safe to say it won’t.
But as the progression of technology continues to unravel—so does my skepticism—and the chance of a revenge-fueled human-killing android storming into my living room on a lazy Sunday afternoon seems evermore possible.
With that said, please forgive this desperately sensationalized introduction to segue into my actual point: Modern-day marketers have lost touch with how to properly personalize—or humanize—their content.
And depending on the severity of your “faceless outreach,” you could be contributing to more harm than good for your business. The old rules of traditional marketing no longer apply to the multifaceted, ultracompetitive ecosystem that is today’s marketplace. When you breathe life into your business with an actual voice and genuine character, people respond; after all, if we have learned anything from Terminator, it’s one should never engage with a robot.
1.) Patience and Commitment
Consumer engagement and active discussion doesn’t happen overnight. Perhaps it does with a multi-million-dollar Super Bowl ad, but not in the crowded depths of the Interweb.
Content marketing requires consistent nurture and care in order to grow and flourish. Plant the seed, give it sunshine and plenty of water, get rid of the bugs, and watch it grow into something beautiful.
2.) Add Social Relevance
People’s attention spans are disturbingly short-lived; in fact, goldfish might have us beat in this area. It’s nothing personal. That’s just the way our brains function. We’re cognitive experts when it comes to “Hey, look at that shiny thing!” or “Should we go to the movies tonig…let’s get frozen yogurt!”
The more marketers can hold the attention span of the modern-day consumer; the better chance they have at relating with them on a personal level. For example, connecting marketing content with politics (political debates), pop culture (Shark Week), sports (NBA Finals); etc., the challenge hinges on the marketer’s ability to intertwine their product/service with the socially relevant subject matter.
3.) Curate Accordingly
Nothing displays the unconscious attempt at promotion more than one-dimensional content. There are so many unique and interactive ways to implement creativity into your content marketing strategy. From publishing Vlogs on company happenings to hosting informative webinars, from sharing draw-dropping statistics on infographics to publishing a killer eBook on an audience pain point—keep your audience guessing at “what content you will publish next?”
4.) Read Out Loud
This one’s tough, mostly because you risk receiving a perplexing look of concern on the face of your fellow co-worker.
However, reading your written content out loud before it is published is imperative to dropping the business babble, jargon-infused terminology and establishing a consistent flow. Swift reads make for relatable reads; so, add a little humor, a splash of the unexpected, a dash of yourself, and make it something you would enjoy reading.
Here is your Chance to Humanize your Content thru the Power of Synchronized Channel Marketing:
• Create, schedule and distribute content with seamless efficiency
• Develop co-branded campaigns
• Enhance consumer awareness
• Increase customer loyalty
• And more!
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