Your subject line is the most important factor readers use to determine whether they should read your email. I can’t tell you how many times I slaved over my subject line to try to get the maximum ROI.
1. Subjects should be well thought out, clever and interesting. This helps people decide if they should open your email or not. As far as placements (or marketing) are concerned, the subject line can make or break your promotional email.
2. Use the space wisely by keeping it short and concise.
3. Remember, the subject line gives the summary of the contents of the email and by its sheer presence must make it an absolute must to open the email! It should be so coined that the recipient simply can’t resist it!
4. Make sure that it is not misleading, or else it will only annoy the readers once they open your email and find that there is something other that what they thought contained in the email. You might just get added in the spam list!
5. Be creative with your subject lines but remember to ensure that what the subject line says relates to the body of the email.
6. A well designed subject line gets you through the spam filters – never include words like “free”, ‘trail”, “medicine” etc in the subject line. These words are generally marked as spam by either the users or the service providers.
7. Most Important – A good subject line drives your message home.
8. Create Urgency. You want subscribers to open your email as soon as they see it. Use words and phrases that made readers feel as though they may miss out if they don’t open the email and get the contents immediately. Ex. “Limited Availability Sale Items”
9. Use a call-to-action (CTA) by asking a question.
10. ALWAYS remove “Fwd” from the subject line (also remove all unnecessary clutter like hundreds of forwarded addresses in the main body); it gives an impression that you simply do not care what you are sending….more often than not, such mails are never opened.
11. Identity yourself. The most compelling thing about an email message should be that it’s from you. Even before then, your recipient needs to know at a glance that you’re a trusted source.
** This Website lets users copy and paste their subject line into a box where you can get instant feedback on your email subject line:
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